Mobility Print - Android FAQ


Set up the Jackson College printer on your Personal device.


Mobility Print: Android Phones



Set up printing on an Android device.

Set up

1.       First, connect to the JC-WiFi wireless network.

2.       Then download the Mobility Print app from the App Store.

A screenshot of a phone

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3.       Once downloaded, go to the item you want to print and click the three vertical dots in the top right corner.

 A screenshot of a phone

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4.       Click Share & export

 A screenshot of a phone

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5.       Then click Print

 A screenshot of a computer

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6.       A new screen will appear displaying the document.

a.       Click the arrow in the top right corner to select a printer.

A screenshot of a phone

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               7. After the printer is selected, click the printer icon.

a.       A notification will pop up explaining your document may pass through one or more servers click OK to print.

Screens screenshot of a screenshot of a computer

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8.               8. A new screen will appear prompting you for a username and password. This will be your Jackson College username and password. After entering your information, click print.



Your Username is the first seven letters of your last name, the first seven letters of your first name, and your middle initial. No spaces. No punctuation.


Your default password is the first letter of your first name CAPITALIZED, the first letter of your last name in lowercase, two digits of your day of birth (not month), the last two digits of your birth year and the last four digits of your student ID.

A screen shot of a login box

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               9. After clicking print, you will see your document appear with a notification on the top of the screen. Your document should now appear on the print release station located next to the printer selected in step 5.




(Each App you print from will have similar steps)
























Article ID: 17508
Thu 11/30/23 2:33 PM
Wed 2/12/25 12:09 PM