The Solution Center serves as the front door to Information Technology

Customer service is our first priority as we work to provide technical support and problem resolution, answer information technology-related questions, communicate service maintenance and outages, and identify areas where our customers may require additional technology support and training opportunities.

The Solution Center is supported by Information Technology staff and our Student Consultants. Our Student Consultants are knowledgeable in many areas of Information Technology and can resolve first-level technical problems as well as answer questions about our technology policies and the college community.

We look forward to assisting students and employees with all of their JC technology-related needs.

Open Remote SessionI need assistance with the Canvas,Unable to connect to the network, VPN, no network found, wireless connection errors, etc.
Open Remote Session

Services Provided

  • Assistance with JC account log in and issues related to WiFi access, canvas, jetstream, and email 
  • Multi-functional Printers
  • Black and white laser prints
  • Laptops are available for checkout in the Library

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