Windows 11 Reload

Windows 11 Reload


First, get the tag and mac address of the computer you’re going to reload

Next, go to Active Directory (AD) on a different computer, find the computer you’re going to reload, and delete it off of AD

Then, go to SCCM, do the same thing there, but then add the computer back to both SCCM and the folder it was a part of

Once that’s done, restart the computer you’re reloading and go through the boot sequence, making sure to choose the shared boot sequence

Once the computer’s done, log into it with sw

At any point during these next few steps, go to AD on the other computer, find the computer that was reloaded, and update the computer’s info with the description, the member of section, and move it to the folder of the room number where the computer is currently in

go into settings and check online for updates. This may require that the computer restarts to apply the updates. Just make sure to log back into sw and to finish off any updates it has

once the updates are done, go into the shared drive and download the Lenovo system update file ( it should install the Lenovo app on the computer)

run it and make sure to download and install any updates that it finds

when that’s done, go back to the shared drive, go into the Acrobat IC folder, then the build folder, and then download the Acrobat IC windows installer. That’ll install adobe acrobat to the computer

after that, just make sure to log into a student account and make sure that everything is working like how it should be

note: some classes might require something else added to the computers, which in that case, make sure that you have the stuff downloaded and installed on the computers before you log into the student account to test things out.