Frequent Account Lockouts

Account Locking Out Frequently?




Common Causes
Typically lockouts are caused by devices with old passwords cached in them trying to sign back into JC resources over and over. This normally occurs from resetting your password and not updating it on all of your devices, especially phones as they tend to not stop after a failed attempt like computers. Another common instance of this is when you change your password off campus and return at a later date.


What To Do
If you find your account getting locked frequently, try the solutions below to help resolve the issue.


Forget Your Wi-Fi Connection
The largest cause of getting locked out is an old password saved for your connection to JC Wi-Fi. Below are some links for how to forget a network connection for Android and Apple devices. Once forgotten, you can resign into the Wi-Fi network when nearby it.
For Android
For Apple


Check Your Email Account
If it’s not your Wi-Fi connection that is causing the lockouts, it could be your JC email saved into your phone. Below are links on how to sign out of your mobile email application of choice. You don’t need to worry about loosing data, as your data is saved to the JC Cloud. It may however, take some time for the information to sync back on your phone.

For Apple Mail
For Gmail
For Outlook

For Samsung Email, follow the instructions to add an email and then select your JC Email and select ‘Remove’ in the top right corner. Then you can sign back in.


Still Having Issues?
If you’re still having issues being locked out, you can use the password reset website to unlock your account. If that doesn’t work, you can contact the Solution Center for further assistance.

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Article ID: 19293
Tue 4/23/24 12:40 PM
Wed 5/1/24 10:57 AM