Search57 Results

Services or Offerings?
I need assistance unlocking my account.

High School Student request form.

I need assistance with logging into my Jackson College account for one of the following services: PWDreset, Canvas, JetStream, E-mail, and Office 365 services.

I need assistance with the Jackson College Outlook, shared mailbox, Distribution list, etc.

I need assistance resetting my password.

Use this request to checkout a Solution Center laptop.

Submit a ticket for error messages when trying to log in, Colleague, Canvas loop (rerouting back to JC Canvas login page)

Submit a ticket for Adding shared drives to user accounts, and manually mapping the Shared drives location to a user's PC login.

I need assistance with installing a printer and driver for a classroom.

Submit a ticket for screen access requests, end user support, errors, training, and etc.

I need assistance with my phone (including not receiving incoming calls, being unable to make outbound calls, etc.)

Submit a ticket for IT support for the JW and HLC for AV, simulations, etc.

I need assistance with a JC-WiFi issue.

I need assistance with my MS Teams phone (phone not powering on, how to sign into phone)

I need assistance with installing a printer and its driver.